PODIUM / vases black
Nicolas Le Moigne
Enameled ceramic
12 x 12 x 60 cm / 18 x 18 x 45 cm / 25 x 25 x 30 cm
Courtesy of Nicolas Le Moigne and HELMRINDERKNECHT contemporary design gallery
HELMRINDERKNECHT contemporary design gallery presenting Nicolas Le Moigne
HELMRINDERKNECHT contemporary design gallery promotes contemporary design at the interface of art and design. Art and design are understood as mutually inspiring and enriching creative fields to guide form, function and content. The gallery has exclusive rights to limited editions by internationally acknowledged designers such as Frédéric Dedelley, Martí Guixé, Studio Makkink & Bey, Nicolas Le Moigne, osko+deichmann, Samare Studio, Flynn Talbot and Hermann August Weizenegger. These designers’ vision and complexity in creation are accompanied by great passion in material and a poetical approach to design. Founded in 2009 in Berlin, HELMRINDERKNEcHT now works as an international pop-up gallery in everchanging temporary spaces. The gallery is run by Petra Maendler Helm and Martin Rinderknecht.